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Dunja, Zeus and Pandora

Drawn by Greek students, menthor Efi Douloumi

Authors: Greek students, menthors:  Efi Douloumi and Kyriaki Zoumpouloglou

Fairy Ravijojla appeared and said to Dunjia and Marko:

  • "Come with me, I'll take you to a magic place ancient Greece" .

So,they flew together and arrived in Athens. There a woman stood in front of them .She was holding a box.

  • " Who are you?What's this?" they asked her

  • " I am Pandora and this is a mystery box that Zeus, an ancient god gave to me".

  • "Why do you say,it's a mystery box?What's in it?"

  • "I don't know,Zeus told me not to open it because it will bring misfortune and misery which will lead people to

wars and ecconomical crisis in the future".

  • "Nonsense ,don't believe it. Let's open it.Maybe there's a treasure in it".They told her and she said "Ok.Let's open it."

And so Pandora opened the box.A strong wind came out of the box.The earth began to shake.








































































... And the strong wind took them to modern world (2016). There they can see a lot of wars, violence, hunger and 
economical crisis.A lot of people leave their homes and try to get to another country to survive. Flying with the 
help of fairy Ravijojla, all togetherthey arrived in Greece. 
There they can see a lot of emigrants trying to get to safer and wealthier countries.
Pandora remembers that there were three wishes at the bottom of her box.

  • “Come on. Let’s make these wishes for a better future”.”Ok” Dunja said.

  • “Let’s decide what wishes we will make”Marko said.

  • ”Peace. Let all the people around the world live in peace”.Pandora said.

  • ”Cooperation. Let all the people around the world work together”.Ravijojla said.

  • “Friendship . Let all the people around the world be friends”. Dunja said.



Strip is drawn by Turkish students and GülÅŸen Korucu (Group 1)
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