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Dunja i Marko Kraljevic

Author: Serbian students, menthor: Mr.Sci. Maja Seguljev

Belgrade, our city is covered in concrete, but also is partially in Vesna’s gift. There are two million people, amongstthem there is one girl, Dunja. Quite a typical child, she goes to primary school, she's interested in sports and has friends. She trains sports not far away from a tick forest where she is banned to go by her mom. In that forest, from ancient times until today, strange things have been happening.
Dunja was preparing for her training. She put her earphones on and decided to walk through the forest. She carried a stick and a slingshot, just in case that someone attacked her. And so she entered the forest. This is how our story begins.
She was watching about not to step in something … And that’s why she didn’t see the path in front of her and rammed into something. She thought it was just a tree, but, actually, it was a person!




















  • Aaaaaaa - Dunja scrams. She stepped back a little bit and looked into whatever it is that she hit.

  • You look familiar.

  • Of course i do. I’m that guy with a mace.

  • You mean you’re that guy we learnt about in sixth grade, wait, you’re Baš Čelik!

  • Hey, slow down, I’m not the guy that gives lives, but the one with a mace, Marko Kraljević!

  • Ahh, I knew you're familiar.

  • Umm....what's that in your ears?!

  • Nuts...

  • Really? Can I have one?

  • Don’t be so literal, I’m joking, these are earphones. You put them in your ears, you plug another part in your phone and there's a miracle. Music. Hallelujah!

















  • Well that's very interesting, that thing didn't exist in my time.

  • Wait, you come from the 14. Century, how come you're alive in the 21???

  • Well indeed, i made a promise to myself that I will wake up when the Serbian people needs me, and now, I'm definitely needed....

  • If you say so!

  • Umm, can I see that thing you plug your earphones in?

  •  You mean my phone?

  • Yes, that contraption.

  • Okay.

  • What's this? – asked Marko.

  • Facebook.

  • Facebook, what's that???

  • Well, a social network.

  • All right, here's your contraption back.

  • Thanks.

(Ten seconds later)

  • You erased my profile with over twelve friends!!! Аaaaaah! You, monster! Argh.





Drawn by Italian students, menthor Giovanna Gulli




Since Dunja was very lost, here's what happened: she took her slingshot out of her bag and tried to hit Marko Kraljević. But, in front of Marko stood only one fairy holding a rock in her hands. That was Fairy Ravijojla.
You are getting too excited, my child – said the fairy.


  • Yes too much, it’s just that I met Marko Kraljević who erased my Facebook profile, shot a selfie and yes, I’ve seen a fairy for the first time in my life! Wait, you just shot a selfie, are you serious? I'm already running low on memory...

  • Sorry, but I’m too pretty for it not to be captured.

  • You're a lost case – said Dunja.

  • Sorry, if I had the Užičko kolo music, I would dance to show you how much sorry I am, but I don't see musicians these days.

  • Wait, you'd dance kolo to express your sorrow?

  • Yes, but, as I already told you, there is no music, and I would have to find three more gods, namely Svarog, Vesna, Svevid, an ale, a dragon and a giant...

  • Explain!

  • Look - started Kraljević - Svarog, because he's the supreme god, Vesna, because she's the goddess of spring and she's always smiling and Svevid because he can see all four sides of the world. I should make a triangle of gods to make the dance sanctified, and I need these monsters (the ale, dragon and giant) to see if the gods i brought are true warriors, or if it's just a myth. Is it clear now?

Yes, but I have one more question, what if the gods can't tame the beasts?
Then we'll all go to hell.


  • All right, an adventure is an adventure; there's gotta be some kind of risk.

  • So, shall we go? – asked Marko.

  • Okay, just wait until I call my mom.

  • Mom, I just went into the forest you told me not to go to and I met Marko Kraljević and Fairy Ravijojla and we're going on a quest to find Svarog, Vesna and Svetovid and to find an ale, a dragon, and a giant. Is that OK? Mom, mom... Hmm... The connection probably broke...

  • Are we going?

  • Not so fast – said the fairy – I'm going alone and I'll be back soon because you're either going to break something or you'll never return. Enough said.

After ten minutes, the fairy returned with everybody.






























































Drawn by Turkish students, mentor Gulsen Korucu


  • So, have you tested them? - asked Marko.

  • Yes – the fairy calmly replied.

  • So, what, now we don't have music? – said Marko.

  • Of course... – said Dunja – of course we do, I have all the possible Serbian songs.

  • Hit it, then! – said Marko.

And everybody started dancing, even Dunja. Later, she was escorted home by Marko who accidentally pushed her into a puddle on the way home.
- I can go further by myself, thanks!
- Take this to remember me! – and he gave her his mace.
- Thank you! Here’s something for you
Dunja gave Marko her headphones.


Drawn by Greek student, mentor Efi Douloumi

Drawn by Greek students. Mentors - Efi Douloumi and Kyriaki Zoumpouloglou

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